Tuesday, August 25, 2009


My best friend since high school had a boy on July 13th. They came over today for Little Man's first play date! The boys have about five weeks age difference between them. I think this will be the first of many playdates! Little Man has some growing to do! It's amazing to see how much they can grow in just a few weeks. Both boys had about the same birth weight.
Oma was playing around with the camera while I was burping him. He makes the funniest faces when getting burped--but we kept missing them.

He was sucking his thumb! Sleepy boys.
He's so cute when he's all curled up!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Look at that beautiful face.
Game day outfit!Ready to go home.
Home sweet home--the whole family together for the first time! 

Friday, August 21, 2009


Jackson Blair was born at 3:08 on August 20th! He was 8 lbs exactly and 20 inches long. He's a big healthy little boy with blonde hair and he is perfect! When the nurses/doctors were trying to check him, he kept grabbing their fingers and pulling himself up. He's a strong one!
Our little bundle of joy!Our little family with the doctor.Uncle Nate with Little Man.Oma and Uncle Nate with Little Man.Snuggling this morning after eating. I look tired because I am tired...but oh so happy! :)
My handsome men!Close up of the sweetest baby boy the world has ever met.

Friday, August 7, 2009

One week until the due date!

We had another doctor's appointment this afternoon and not much has changed. The baby is sitting at a -2 station, which means it is much lower than it was last week. But who knows when it will make it's grand entrance!