Saturday, December 17, 2011

Funny little happenings and Christmas update

This week hasn't been near as productive as I had hoped.  It's been a great week in some ways, but also an exhausting week.  We had a lot planned for the weekend, but we basically cancelled all our plans and are using this weekend as a time to rest and re-group a little before Christmas.  As tired as I am, I've still felt
immensely blessed and happy this week.  This little family is beyond everything I ever hoped for and on multiple occasions this week I've just stopped, smiled, and thought about how it doesn't get any better than this.
Jackson has become much more talkative lately and he cracks us up all the time.  His choice phrases right now are (in the order of most frequently used):
1.  "Me do!"
2.  "Me Mama boy.  Baby Daddy girl."
3.  "Play outside."
4.  Anything about green objects and/or firetrucks.  These are his passions right now.  Everything needs to be green.  We drive past as many fire stations as possible when we're out.  He wears his firefighter boots EVERYWHERE.

He's also starting to tell us more that he remembers from his day.  At the dinner time or at some point in the evening I like for him to tell Justin about our day.  He's finally starting to actually tell him what we did that day.  Sometimes he makes things up (I'm assuming what he wanted to do that day)'s pretty funny some of the things he comes up with.  It's really exciting to me to hear him talking so much more.  I love hearing his sweet little voice and the silly things he says.

This week hasn't been a particularly good napping week, but thankfully I only had one small cake to make.  We did a lot of advent activities.  Jackson's favorite was probably the after dinner walk in our neighborhood to look at lights.  He's asked everyday to "See lights?" and "HoHoHo seesaw" in particular (one neighbor with a rather elaborate display has two see-saws with Santas in the yard.  Not sure why, but that was a huge hit with Jackson.

Summerlin is working on about five new teeth.  She's sweet as ever, but not napping well AT ALL.  She wants to be held much more and is kinda cranky (for her).  But she's handling it like a champ overall. She knows where her belly button, nose, and feet are.  When asked, she points to each one.  My favorite is when she points to her belly button.  She always lifts up her shirt and finds it.  She gets a little annoyed when she has a onesie on and can't actually see it.

Here are a few pictures of our week. 
 Gingerbread mobile - got the idea from Soule Mama.   
 Jackson's quilt is pieced together.  I've now made the quilt "sandwich" (as my quilting book calls it) and have basted all the layers together.  Hoping to finish it tomorrow!
 Since she hasn't napped well this week, she's spent a lot of time at my feet in the kitchen playing with the tupperware.  Thankfully, it can entertain her for a solid 30+ minutes.
 Having a ball with glitter, glue, and other messy things.
 Stacking her blocks!  She had ZERO interest in this activity until this week.  All she wanted to do was tear down Jackson's block creations.
 Today I told the kids Santa stopped by while they were napping (to check up on their behavior) and left them each a gift - Christmas PJs!  Here's our little elf.  She wasn't too happy about picture time, but she's still the cutest thing.  She didn't nap at all today, so this was at about 6:40 and at 6:45 she was asleep in bed.
 My sweet, sweet babies.  My heart just melts for them.
 Holy smokes!  They are both looking at the camera!  That never happens around here!  Summerlin looks startled though.
After Summerlin went to bed, we had a very enthusiastic present wrapping session.  If Jackson helped in the wrapping of your gift, you'll know....

One more week until Christmas!  We are excited!  

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