Thursday, May 26, 2011

I need to get better about this

It's only been about nine months since I last posted.  Really?!  Why am I so bad about blogging?  I've made a goal for myself to try to blog at least three times a week.  Our family's life isn't that exciting, but my kids are ridiculously cute and growing/changing everyday.  I find them fascinating and adorable and I like to assume everyone else does also.

So, for updates since August 15, 2010.

Baby Girl was born on November 5th.  That's a pretty major event I probably should have blogged about.  I was in labor for a whopping four hours from start to finish.  She was long and lean from the beginning - 6lbs 12oz and 21 inches long.  She slept through the night by 4 weeks.  She was quiet and we worried she would be kind of boring (after all the excitement Jackson has provided us with).  She waiting forever before she was interested in eating solids - we thought she might be our picky eater.  We were wrong.  About EVERYTHING.  She is NOT quiet - she's laying on the floor next to me right now screeching at the tops of her lungs.  She is OVERFLOWING with personality.  She eats EVERYTHING - and this is compared to Little Man who isn't picky, but was pickier than she is.  She rolls ALL over the living room.  This is no exaggeration.  She literally rolls laps around the floor.  She's sitting independently.  She picks on her big brother ALL THE TIME.  She pulls his hair, pokes at him, kicks at him - anything a little sister can do to try and bug a big brother.  And we couldn't be more in love with this precious little wild woman.

Little Man turned one on August 20th.  He had two birthday parties - one at the beach with family and one in September with friends.  He has learned how to walk, run, and play basketball.  He wants to play golf, hockey, football, anything athletic.  I say "want" because he tries to do what Hubby does, but he hasn't quite mastered the hand-eye coordination yet to master them.  He is obsessed with his tools and basketball goal.  He will entertain himself for hours with these toys.  No joke.  He usually takes a tool or two to bed with him at night, along with all the construction books he can find.  We have to read EVERY SINGLE construction book every night before putting him to bed.  It's cute and I'm so glad he loves books as much as he does.  Anytime we see a truck, train, plane, construction machine, bus, etc he grunts and points them out.  When we are on runs he also points out EVERY SINGLE basketball goal (and truck) along the way.  He is incredibly smart and mechanical.  He doesn't talk.  He has about 15 words (truck, ball, cheese, choochoo, plane, Bob Bob, etc - all "boy" things of interest to him).  That's it.  We finally got him to say "please".  That's about it.  I guess he takes after his dad, grandfather, great grandfather.  Maybe it's a requirement of men in Hubby's family - you have to be a man of few words.  Regardless, he is a perfect and ALL boy.

Hubby is still teaching.  He's finishing up his teaching license classes this summer.  He finally had surgery on his wrist (old pole vaulting injury from college).  Hopefully it's healing.  We'll find out more next week.

I'm still making cakes.  Lots of them.  Most days I love it.  Some days I dread it, but it's what I do so I can stay home with my babies.  That's motivation enough for me.  I'm running again.  I registered for the Richmond Marathon in November.  Then the weather got hot.  I HATE running in the heat and humidity.  I guess I better suck it up though.

So, there's 9 months in a nutshell.

1 comment:

  1. love it! i'd say every 3 days/9 months is perfect timing! ;)
