Friday, December 2, 2011

Christmas Traditions and Advent

As a kid, I moved a lot.  Actually, a lot is probably an understatement...but that's beside the point.  Since we were moving every few years and we never lived close to family, my parents and I didn't have very set holiday traditions.  We had great holidays, but it seemed like we did things different every year.  This is probably the biggest change I want to make from my growing up experience for my children.  Even though they are only one and two, this year I'm trying to begin establishing our Christmas traditions.  First on my list was sewing these advent bags.  There are 25 small fabric bags and each one contains a piece of paper with an activity for us to do together.  This year it's mostly for Jackson, but in years to come it will be for both kids.

So, here are the Loda family advent bags - hanging in the window in our dining room.  So far the hardest part has been trying to get Jackson to understand that we only open one a day.  :)
 Day 1 was "hot chocolate with lots of marshmallows".

Today was Day 2 and it was "decorate sugar cookies".  Here's my master decorator, hard at work.  (It's a little ironic that I'm currently cutting back on the processed foods, sugar, and salt in their regular diet because so far these activities are being counter productive to that goal!)

 He loves to "sample" as he works.
 Jackson's beautiful creations.
 Had to get a more side profile picture of his work.  I'm pretty sure his motto for cookie decorating is "you can never have too many sprinkles".
 Dunking his cookie in his juice?!  Yes, that is a cup of apple juice.  I can't imagine that tasted good, but to each his own.
 He's getting pretty good with the "green big boy" cup!
I'm so excited for all that December has to bring!  I have some really big, fun activities planned for us...but also plenty of easy and still fun things.  Next up?  Making popcorn garland!  Actually, first I need to figure out a good way for a two year old to do such an activity....

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE the Advent bags idea, that's awesome! I want to do something like that with Connor next year. Do you have a compiled list of the tasks you put in the bags? Very cool!
